Monday, January 02, 2006

A Toast to Professor Tolkien

It has come to my attention that January 3rd is the birthday of J. R. R. Tolkien, author of the Lord of the Rings. The Tolkien Society is encouraging fans around the world to join them in a toast to Professor Tolkien:
On January 3 rd Tolkien fans around the world are invited to raise a glass and toast the birthday of this much loved author at 21:00 (9 pm) your local time .

The toast is "The Professor".

For those unfamiliar with British toast-drinking ceremonies:

To make the Birthday Toast, you stand, raise a glass of your choice of drink (not necessarily alcoholic), and say the words 'The Professor' before taking a sip (or swig, if that's more appropriate for your drink). Sit and enjoy the rest of your drink.

So, offer a toast to the Professor, if you are so inclined.