Monday, September 25, 2006

Logos for Mac

Logos Research Systems, Inc., maker of arguably the best Bible software available, is working on a Mac-native version of its popular Logos Bible Software.

Read more HERE.

Logos Bible Software Blog

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Where Have All the Marxists Gone?

Lee Harris' article, The Intellectual Origins of America Bashing, from the December 2002 issue of Policy Review makes an interesting case. Although it is nearly 4 years old, it is still extraordinarily relevant.

[HT: Dennis Prager]

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Prager Interviews Howard Zinn

Dennis Prager recently interviewed Leftist hysterion, er, historian, Howard Zinn. I have linked transcript of the interview below. You need to read this interview. Howard Zinn's books are used to (re-)educate our kids.

Zinn Interview Part 1

Zinn Interview Part 2

Lincoln on How to Fight

"Beware of rashness, but with
energy and sleepless vigilance go
forward and give us victories."

Quotations at

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Political Corruption & God's Sovereignty

Marvin Olasky's article, Corruption, anguish, God, explains how even the racketeering and fraud conviction of Former Illinois Gov. George Ryan is not outside of the sovereign will of God.

You won't find this story anywhere in the Left-Stream Media.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Pirate As a Second Language

Thanks to my "close, personal friend" Muzzy for letting us know that tomorrow is Talk Like a Pirate Day. While I was checking out the TLAPD website, I found this very helpful tutorial for those who don't speak Piratese or who wish to brush up for the BIG day. Enjoy. courtesy of TLAPD and LoadingReadyRun.

[HT: TLAPD, LoadingReadyRun and, of course, Sir Muz]

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Never Forget: September 11, 2001

The Timeline

The Attack

The Aftermath

The Symbol of Hope