Friday, August 04, 2006

Supporting Israel

If you have been wondering how you can support Israel in some tangible way while they battle the Islamo-fascist terrorist organizations Hezbollah and Hamas, Yoni has a couple of suggestions. Yoni Tidi is a former member of the Israeli Defense Force and regular guest on the Hugh Hewitt radio program.

I've also provided the links below, but check out Yoni's blog for regular updates with an Israeli perspective, not to mention the occasional scoop.

American Friends of Magen David Adom-ARMDI
The Friends of the Israel Defense Forces

That last one is not a joke. They deliver pizza, burgers and ice cream the the IDF stationed on the Lebanese border and around Gaza. Just a few of life's simple pleasures that we take for granted.


Here is one more organization you may want to consider:

International Fellowship of Christians and Jews